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Disbanding Units For Crates

Thanks to Hobie's for his post on the forum:


So, the synopsis is that we tend to disband unneeded units at level 1, but in most cases it's better if you upgrade the unit before disbanding. This gives you more crates that exceeds the number of crates you spent levelling up the unit.


Here's the math.

Level 2 disband value minus level 1 disband value. Subtract the cost of upgrading from that number, the result gives you the total increase in crates.


So for Uncommon units going from level 1 to level 2, this is the breakdown - (265-159 = 106) - 90 = 16. in other words there's a 106 crate differential minus the 90 crates spent upgrading to level 2 giving you a net gain of 16 crates.


Here's the unit breakdown.


For Common units. The level 1 disband value is 53 crates, and you actually lose crates if you level them up at all. You lose 74 crates if you upgrade to level 2 and lose 170 crates if you upgrade to level 3. So always cash in Common units at level 1


For Uncommon units. The level 1 disband value is 159 crates. If you upgrade the unit to level 2 the disband value goes up to 265 crates. You spend 90 crates for the upgrade so your net increase is 16 crates.

If you upgrade to level 3 the disband value is 371 and you spent 112 crates to get to level 3. Your net gain is only 10 crates. So, Uncommon units are best disbanded at level 2.


Rare units disband at a level 1 value of 530 crates. At level 2 they disband for 689 crates at a cost of 108 crates, giving you a bonus of 69 crates. If you upgrade to level 3 the disband value goes to 848 with a total price tag of 243 crates, giving you a bonus of 183 crates.


Epic units disband at a level 1 value of 1590 crates. At level 2 they disband for 1855 crates at a cost of 108 crates, giving you a bonus of 175 crates. If you upgrade to level 3 the disband value goes to 2120 with a total price tag of 243 crates, giving you a bonus of 287 crates.


Legendary units disband at a level 1 value of 5300 crates. At level 2 they disband for 5830 crates at a cost of 108 crates, giving you a bonus of 440 crates. If you upgrade to level 3 the disband value goes to 6360 with a total price tag of 243 crates, giving you a bonus of 817 crates.

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